Thursday 8 September 2016

Win a Yonanas Healthy Dessert Maker!



During the publicity tour for our dog treat cookbook, The Healthy Hound Cookbook, our most requested recipe for magazine reprint was our recipe for doggy ice cream. Super easy to make, the recipe involves blending bananas with your dog's other favorite flavors (such as peanut butter) then freezing and chilling in ice cube trays. The recipe has appeared in publications ranging from Dogster and Cesar's Way to USA Today PETS and Natural Awakenings.

Well, I just THOUGHT my version was super simple to make. We just had the opportunity to try Yonanas, a dessert maker that's great for creating healthy, soft serve desserts for your dog–and for you!

Talk about easy…I peeled and popped some slightly over ripe bananas in a zippered plastic bag and dropped them in the freezer overnight. When it was time to try out Yonanas, I took the frozen bananas out of the freezer for about 10 minutes (so the resulting soft serve would be less icy).

Next, I popped the bananas in the Yonanas chute, turned on the switch, and out came the soft serve. To mix it up, I also dropped in some frozen blueberries!

The result was a treat that I could share with Irie and Tiki–and one that was good for all of us. The soft serve dessert was excellent; I loved it as a guilt-free afternoon snack:


Oh, and Irie and Tiki loved it, too!


You can add many different fruits to your Yonanas. (Never add grapes or raisins to any Yonanas desserts that you'll share with your dog–and, while you can add chocolate to the recipe for your own treat, remember NO chocolate in your dog's serving!)

Would you like to try Yonanas? One lucky reader will win a Yonanas healthy dessert maker, which comes with a cookbook with fun recipes for soft serve “ice cream” as well as sorbets, pies, trifles, and more.

A Few Easy Tips from Yonanas

  • DO include blueberries, which are a great source of antioxidants and provide vitamins C, E, A and B complex. The Blueberry Sorbet or Blueberry Yonanas recipe are instant treats that can be made with one to two ingredients!

  • DON'T include grapes. Digesting them is extremely dangerous for dogs. Regardless of age, breed or gender of your pup, grapes have potential fatal effects, such as kidney failure.

  • DO include bananas, but only sometimes. Dogs should only eat them in moderation since they are high in sugar. The Simply Yonanas recipe is a safe treat to share with your pet!

  • DON'T include cherries. Cherries contain cyanide, which can disrupt cellular oxygen transport when ingested by dogs.

  • DO include apples and pineapples. Treat your dog to the Apple Sorbet Yonanas recipe, which requires only two ingredients!

More About Yonanas

Enter to Win

You'll enter in the widget below; a winner will be selected at random and announced in the weekly PawTipper newsletter. Good luck!

We received a free Yonanas for review; Yonanas will also be providing the prize for this giveaway. As always, we only share products that we use in our own home. All statements and opinions are entirely our own.

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