Wednesday 20 July 2016

12 Ways to Keep Your Dog Cool



With a heat wave sweeping across the country, we thought it was a good time to go over some easy tips for keeping your dog safe and comfortable during the hot summer. This is a topic about which we have plenty of experience…here's our local forecast:

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Stay indoors

Irie and Tiki hang out indoors by the AC vents on these hot summer days. They like to stay outside an extra half hour after the morning walk but, other than that, they're only outside for a quick potty run.

Make a cool place to lie outdoors

It's better for your dogs to be indoors in the heat but if your dogs are going to be outside for a few hours, make sure they have a cool place to lie. Water down the porch and wet an area in the shaded portion of the yard to keep them cool.

Walk early

On these hot days, we get up extra early to take our dog walk and do any outdoor chores that need to be done for the day.

Walk late

Our evening walk is taken as late as possible. I don't like walking after dark (there are no streetlights in the country!) so I take this walk around sundown.

Make your morning walk your longest walk

Even though I wait for sunset, evenings are toasty here, often staying close to 100 degrees. To make it worse, the ground is hot from the day's sunshine so that heat is radiating up and onto the dogs, who are much closer to the ground than we are. Because of this, the evening walk is a short one.

Go slowly

Be sure to make those walks slow ones; now's not the time to start that fitness program with Fido. Be sure to pay special attention to brachycephalic dogs like pugs or bulldogs who have a difficult time cooling off in the heat due to their shortened muzzle.


Be sure to keep your dog brushed during the heat; mats really hold extra body heat. Tiki gets a summer haircut and we keep both dogs brushed to remove any loose fur. Tiki also gets a “tummy tunnel” haircut on her belly with almost all hair cut as short as possible, helping her to cool off on our hardwood floors.

Stay off the pavement

The pavement - whether asphalt or concrete - is a griddle during hot weather; it will burn and blister your dog's paws. Wear booties if your dog walks on pavement, and try to keep your dog on grass or dirt as much as possible. If it's too hot for you to walk on in your bare feet, it's too hot for your dog's paws!

Never leave your dog in the car

Never. Ever. Think you'll leave the AC running while you run in for that quick errand? If your engine fails, your dog will die. Please, just leave your dog at home.

Stay hydrated

Carry water on your walks and make sure your dog always has a big supply of fresh, cool water at home, too. If you're concerned that your dog isn't drinking enough, make that water more tempting by adding ice cubes, bits of chicken breast, or a frozen treat.

Enjoy frozen treats

It's quick and easy to make frozen dog treats (you'll find both sweet and savory ones in our Recipe index).

Go for a swim

Irie and Tiki's favorite way to stay cool is definitely with a swim. This year we've been very lucky to have water in the creek (although water levels are dropping by the day).

Summer is a great time for fun with your dog but heatstroke is a real risk to you both. Plan your day, take it slowly, and make sure the memories you create this season are good ones!

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