Saturday 3 October 2015

How Much Would You Miss If You Weren’t Dog Walking?



I walk Irie and Tiki twice a day, in the morning and evening. At night, we also go out for one last potty run. During this time of year when the evenings have finally cooled off to a pleasant temperature, we all spend a little extra time in the moonlight enjoying the fall air.

This week, I noticed what I thought was a hummingbird at our four o’clock flowers adjacent to our porch — but in complete darkness! It was 11pm, far, far beyond when I’ve ever seen a hummingbird at our house.

We’re in the tail end of the annual migration right now as the hummingbirds make their last push to the coast before flying down to Central and South America for the winter. But I’ve never seen a hummingbird at night so I found it really unusual.

The next night on the evening potty run, I came out with my camera, hoping to see the bird again…and there he was. This time I had the chance to get a few photos.


And what I found was that our hummingbird wasn’t a hummingbird after all…he was a hummingbird MOTH! I had never seen one before and never heard of them until I started searching.

I think it’s one more example of how much I’d miss if not for my dog walks and evening potty runs! Stepping away from the computer and the television, it’s exciting to realize how much is out there, waiting to be seen.

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