Friday 19 February 2016

Preparing for Spring



The calendar may say winter but spring is just around the corner in this part of the country. (And, if you're still shoveling snow, have no fear...warm weather is headed to your region soon, too!)

The garden centers here are already filled with plants, fertilizers, and every kind of garden concoction under the sun. As pet lovers, though, we all know that many of these are NOT good for our pets who not only walk on the chemicals and absorb them through their paws (and by licking their paws) but also live their life much closer to the ground than we do-well within inhaling distance.

We've run numerous posts through the years about spring safety but, before everyone heads to the garden center and begins to make spring lawn plans, we wanted to point out some of our most popular yard care posts:

Before you make your spring gardening and lawn purchases, be sure to check out some of these articles to make sure your lawn is a safe place for both you AND your dog!

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