Sunday 31 May 2015

And still we are here


I have done what I am supposed to do. We held hands and stood in the face of a futile fight, and laid down our weapons. You may come, death. We do not fear you. And yet now that we have welcomed him, he hesitates.

We spent Mother’s Day at the beach, and afternoons watching the balloons drift by overhead. We enjoyed what moments we had, knowing they were to be short. And they are short, even shorter than we all had realized. The last full conversation we had was about a currant pudding, and then she moved into that chill fog of wandering from this plane into the next.

One of the last things I heard her say clearly, besides “I love you,” was “My bags are packed.” It doesn’t get much clearer than that. Our slates are clean, our consciences clear, and all we can do now is wait for the capricious whims of a malignancy that creeps this way and that in the motherboard of the brain, until at last, millimeter by millimeter, it overwhelms.

When you talk to the dying and ask them what they fear most, it is not being dead, something which is when all is said and done, rather dull by all accounts. It is the journey that worries them, the brambly path and the hands that pull them back or the quicksand of ineffectual treatments that, despite our best attempts, cannot make us immortal. They worry that they will suffer, and they are right to do so, because we do much to prolong it.

“Cherish every moment,” they say, and I did. There was a time, days or weeks ago, when there were still moments to cherish. But despite what some people will tell you, there is a line that some cross, a time where those moments are gone, where 22 hours of agitated sleep are interrupted by an hour or two of fretful wakefulness and perhaps a nod, and when they tell you the suffering is worth those small remaining moments, they are wrong. “Cherish these last days” does not bring me comfort, because she is gone in all but the literal physical sense.

Perhaps for you, the one by the bedside drinking those drops of life like a parched man in the desert, these last hours are worth it, but I do not believe they are for the one in the bed. I understand not everyone agrees, but I do believe we have the right to decide for ourselves when that line has been crossed. I’ve always felt that way- after all, I do this for a living for pets. The vast majority of people, in that situation, recognize the line way before the body reaches it on its own. When the line is crossed, all that remains is an agonized twiddling of the thumbs, a bedside vigil that stretches ahead, vast and unrelenting. Those at peace have been waiting for it, and welcome it with open arms and relief.

My mother is not suffering too much I suppose, though more than I would like because to me she shouldn’t suffer at all. We are managing her with a large and extensive brew of medications, consulting with the hospice team, feeling her feet for signs of cold and moving her this way and that so she doesn’t develop sores. What dignity she strove to live with her whole life is reduced to the fact that what we must do, is done by family and not strangers.

I am sad, because I know she is dying, and there is so little control of the situation.The pain of her being gone from my life is nothing compared to the feeling of helplessness while we try to ease her discomfort. We are doing all we can, and in my conversations with the hospice staff I know what we are doing as a family is more than most are able to, and that makes me both grateful and sad for others.

I believe she can still hear me, so for now I can whisper in her ear and hold her hand, choking down tears I don’t have time for- I can do that later. It will have to be enough. But do not tell me to be grateful for these last hours. There are many blessings in this journey, but this is not one of them.

And it is a lesson I shall not soon forget.

Review: Kurgo Loft Duvet Cover



Last month, we headed to the beach for a few days as we worked on a revision of one of our guidebooks. We made our home base in Port Aransas, a small community on Mustang Island.

As we all know, the beach means sand — and that sand gets just about everywhere, in spite of efforts to remove it from shoes and paws before leaving the beach. The cottage where we were staying doesn’t provide housekeeping (and, in fact, guests are required to sweep their cottage and remove all trash before checking out or risk being charged.)

To help cut down on sand tracking, we cleaned the dogs as best we could when we left the beach each day. The cottage was within walking distance of the beach, so the walk back helped remove loose sand somewhat (although drifts of sand along the sidewalk certainly gave them more chances to pick up a little extra sand on the trip home!)

Once we returned to the cottage, we encouraged Irie and Tiki to settle on their Kurgo Loft Duvet Cover, a dog bed duvet.  The cover is made with waterproof Microtomic™ Ripstop material and 140 msg Polytech fill. Lightweight (which made it easy to take outside and shake off the sand), the waterproof ripstop didn’t absorb water and made cleanup a breeze.


As you can see, the bed includes a small zippered pocket (where we stores a plush toy on the trip down). The machine washable cover has a large zipper for adding your favorite dog bed. Instead of bringing a bed along, though, we stuffed the duvet cover with dirty laundry. Not only did the duvet do double duty as our travel laundry hamper, but the scent of home (and us) was comforting to our dogs in a strange environment as well.

Along with the blue duvet cover, this cover is also available in green…


…and gray…


The cover is also available in two sizes: medium and large.

A big paws up for the Kurgo Loft Duvet Cover!

Kurgo is a DogTipper sponsor.

Saturday 30 May 2015

Keeping Your Dog Safe with Lighted Collar During Emergency Weather Situations


This post is sponsored by Canine Care Products.

weatherAs you know from the news reports, this has been a long, long week in Central Texas. We spent much of last Saturday night up and listening to weather broadcasts and receiving tornado and flash flood warnings. In this part of the state, very few people have basements; we are all instructed to get to an interior room or bathroom without windows in case of an incoming tornado.

On Saturday night as a reported tornado approached our home, we prepared to get in an interior closet with our dogs and cats. Our cats (including little Lucky who came home from bladder stone surgery Saturday morning) were each in cat carriers. Our dogs were on leash, but we knew that, in the case of destruction, we needed even more protection for Irie and Tiki.

We placed Canine Care Products lighted collars and leashes on the dogs in case, should the roof come off the house and the dogs become separated from us, we could find them in the dark.

The lighted dog collar has a small pack that uses two CR2032 batteries to allow up to 100 hours operating time of the LED strip. (And check out the pricing on the collars–just $5.20-$6.00, depending on size, and this includes the batteries!)

The lighted dog leash works in a similar way and can be set to glow constantly or to flash. The lighted dog harness, which we haven’t yet tried, also features a battery-operated strip of LED lights that can flash at your choice of two speeds.


Have you entered our giveaway for a Canine Care Products lighted dog collar and leash? Hurry–this giveaway ends Sunday!

Friday 29 May 2015

Check Out Puppyhood – And Enter #Giveaway!

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Screen Shot 2015-05-29 at 2.53.56 PM

This post is sponsored by Purina Puppy Chow. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about, but DogTipper only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. All opinions expressed herein are our own.

Considering adding a new puppy to your family? Both Irie and Tiki were still pups — although, at six months old, adolescent puppies — when we adopted them from the shelter. With both adoptions, it was a time of fun and questions, as we trained them and struggled with typical puppy problems (like the habit Tiki had of repeatedly chewing the collars off of Irie!)

Pet parents with a new puppy and dog devotees who are pondering the prospect of welcoming a pup into their heart and home have a new website to turn to where they can fetch vital information about their fur baby’s first year.

welcome-to-puppyhood-logoLaunched by Purina Puppy Chow, friends of Fidos are invited to hang out in the Puppyhood. Read up on a wide range of Rover-related topics, and register for free to access further canine-themed content and special offers while checking out all the site’s special sections:

  • In Trending Stories, new doggie Moms and Dads can keep up to date on current news in the canine world, from fluffy fare like the top dogs of Instagram to more serious subjects such as 5 Things to Think About Before Getting a Puppy and How to Prep a Pup When You’re Expecting.
  • Website visitors with a hunger for knowledge about the proper provisions for pups can feed their curiosity in the Nutrition section. Don’t miss topics like What Nutrients Do Puppies Need in Their Dog Food? and When to Switch to Adult Dog Food.
  • Questions on managing your dog’s coif, caring for your pup’s pearly whites or how to nail a proper toenail trim? The answers can be found in the Grooming section.
  • From enjoying a stroll with Spot to teaching a young tail-wagging chum how to play fetch, pet guardians can take steps to keep their furry friend physically fit with ideas in the Exercise section.
  • The Health section offers tips for keeping puppies in tip top shape, from tackling their tummy troubles to protecting pups against parasites.
  • For tutorials on dog demeanor, check out the Behavior section, which induces advice on helping our barking buddies break bad habits such as biting, inappropriate chewing and begging, to education about their emotional growth in articles like Puppy Socialization by Age and How to Deal with Puppy Separation Anxiety.
  • Thanks to the website’s Training section, pet parents can school Spot in the skills he or she will need to lead a happy and safe life, from pointers for proper potty training to how to use hand signals to teach basic commands.
  • In the Puppy Planning section, those who are still looking to adopt a puppy can find out which breed might be the best fit for their lifestyle, download a checklist of items needed before bringing home a fur baby, and even try to pick a good moniker for a new furry family member with help from a name generator.
  • To continue on the path to good pet parenting, visitors to can dig up even more great tips as they follow paw prints on virtual dog walks along Lake Evergreen, Skyline Park and Picket Street.

pchm_thumbimageEnter to Win

To celebrate the launch of, we’ve got a giveaway for approximately three months of Purina Dog Chow (any formula, regardless of your dog’s age). One winner will receive three coupons (up to $16.50 each) for the Dog Chow of their choice plus one $5 off coupon for any Purina Dog Chow formula.

Enter in the widget below with as many or as few entries as you choose. Good luck!

Wednesday 27 May 2015

San Diego Padres to Celebrate Dog Days of Summer


20450932On July 1st baseball buffs and their buddies who bark will cheer on the San Diego Padres at a celebration of sports and Spots– the 11th annual “Dog Days of Summer” game at Petco Park.

Throwing out the first pitch will be Bucky Lasek, a hot-dogging 10-time X Games gold medalist who recently helped to pitch the option of pet adoption alongside Jack, his rescued German Shepherd mix, in a Petco “Think Adoption First” video. The professional skateboarder and rallycross driver will also join fellow friends of Fidos at a pre-game “Tail” Gate Party, which will include giveaways and fun activities for both two- and four-legged Padres fans.

A happening with heart, attendees can also meet adorable adoptables from the San Diego Humane Society and Labradors and Friends who are hoping to hear a forever pet parent say “Let’s play ball!”

Through May 30th Petco will be accepting applications for coveted tickets to the “Dog Days of Summer” game. All applicants must be pre-approved, and will find out by June 15th via email if their entry has been accepted. Those whose applications have been selected will receive two complimentary human passes, and one free ticket for their tail-wagging chum.

Pet parents are also invited to share their pup’s dogged devotion to the San Diego Padres with a photo on Instagram, using the hashtag #PadresPets and #SDinHD. One winner will receive a prize pack complete with a $500 Petco gift card and Padres-themed attire for our tail-wagging chums.

Photo Credit: ClipArt

Monday 25 May 2015

The 5 Gratitudes and the Very Important Question

Today marks five weeks since my mother’s diagnosis with aggressive Grade IV glioblastoma, five weeks since my family’s lackadaisical spring was hit by a grenade that launched us into the surreal world of watching someone next to you on the beach suddenly snatched away by a rogue wave and pulled, slowly but inexorably, off by a receding tide.

I thought I would be much more angry than I am, angry at the unfairness of a universe that takes her in such a cruel manner while it leaves behind the thieves and liars, the selfish and the cruel, but I learned a long time ago that as much as we think we’re all playing the same boardgame, we’re only playing against ourselves. So all I can do is look at the situation in front of me and ask myself, what do I want to do with this? And every moment I spend being angry is one moment of quiet and comfort I will miss, the small scraps of lucid time I can gather up more valuable than gold.

I will, I decided, be unguardedly, relentlessly, grateful. It is a conscious decision, and not without effort, but it’s getting easier every day. It is a mantra I wrap around myself like a shawl, holding onto it until the shivers stop and the chill leaves my bones:

Instead of being angry that my beloved mother has a brutal disease, I am grateful she decided to forego treatment she didn’t want. Grateful I can be here for her.

Instead of being angry when hospice is slow to return my call or suggest solutions, I am grateful I have the benefit of knowledge so I can be proactive and figure them out myself.

Instead of being angry that I can do more for a sick dog than I can for my mother if she winds up in terrible pain, I am grateful that for now, at least, she is not.

Instead of being angry at the people who would make things more difficult, I am grateful they number so few.

Instead of being angry that I need to read through books to counsel me on what amends we should be making and forgivenesses to seek, I am grateful that upon reflection, we have no need. We have always been at peace with each other.

It gets easier with practice. For now, we are at peace with what is happening, and content with the thought that when we look back, we can say with certainty that we have no regrets about how we handled it, and that is perhaps the best one can hope for.

As you can imagine I have been hanging around my mom quite a bit these days, filling the air with talk of the day and the children. She has made it clear she prefers the conversation light. However, when and if she has a moment where she decides she has something important to impart, I want to make sure I don’t miss it because I still feel like there is still so much more left to say.

This afternoon, when the visiting family departed and my dad headed off to the store, she took a deep breath and turned to me, her bright cornflower blue eyes swiveling into focus as they peered into mine.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Of course, Mom.”

“I don’t know if you know what this is, or even if you know how to get it…” she paused.

I took a deep breath, as this is a moment I have been simultaneously anticipating and dreading.

“What is it, Mom?” I took her hand.

“Do you know….what spotted dick is?”


Of all the things I had pictured her saying, that was about last on the list, somewhere between “Sam Kinison’s used socks” and “an 8 track of the Bay City Rollers.” I paused, letting that rattle around in my brain: spotteddickspotteddickspotteddick, then I started laughing.

“Yes Mom, I think it’s a gross British dessert. Where the heck did that come from?”

“I don’t know,” she sighed, running her hands through her hair. “I was just thinking about desserts, and that sounded disgusting.”

I agreed, took her hands, and solemnly swore to my mother that I would never make her eat one. Then I brought her a cookie. Chocolate chip, because raisins are gross.

Zoe's 10th 163

Desserts have always been very important to this family.

I know you were all hoping I would have more wisdom to impart about these momentous last days, but so far this is all I got. And I wouldn’t have it any other way, really.

Sunday 24 May 2015

#AmazingPetExpo, Charlotte, NC, May 30, 2015



The largest pet expo producer in the United States invites dog devotees and their canine companions to the largest city in the state of North Carolina for a day dedicated to all of our friends with fur, fins and feathers.


  • Cheer for the clever canines who will navigate their way through weave poles, tires and teeters during agility demonstrations. After the display of doggie dexterity, pet parents can ask questions during a &A and one lucky pup and their guardian will get the opportunity to test their aptitude on the course.
  • Spots with skills will shine in the spotlight during the Pet Talent Contest, while fashion forward Fidos will step out on to a stage in style during the Pet Costume Contest.
  • Take a walk down memory lane as you walk ’round and ’round with Rover in a pup/pet parent edition of the classic children’s game, Musical Chairs.
  • A happening with a lot of heart, each Amazing Pet Expo is also a mega-adoption event where potential pet parents can meet with various area rescue groups and find an addition to their fur family.
  • A columnist for Modern Dog magazine and host of Get Pawsitive Results on Pet Life Radio, Teoti Anderson will be the Master of Ceremonies at the event, where attendees can meet celebrity Spot Rambo the Puppy, a four-legged with more than 300,000 Facebook and Instagram fans.
  • Plus, prizes, giveaways, free nail trims, discounted vaccinations, heartworm and flea preventatives, and more than 100 exhibitors.

Admission: Free

When: May 30, 2015 from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Where: Metrolina Tradeshow Expo at 7100 Statesville, Road in Charlotte, North Carolina

For more information:

Photo Credit: Charlotte Pet Expo


#AmazingPetExpo, Long Island, NY, May 30, 2015



Dogs and their devoted pet parents are invited to join the pack of animal lovers who will gather at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Long Island on May 30th for a day that’s dedicated to the joy that our furry, finned and fine-feathered friends bring to our lives.


  • Wayde King, Brett Raymer and Irwin Raymer from Tanked will reel in fans of their popular Animal Planet series as they sign autographs, tell tales of the aquariums that they have constructed for A-listers, and discuss a topic that’s close to their hearts– coral conservation.
  • Watch in wonder as talented tail-waggers weave through poles, bound through tires and tackle the demands of a teeter during agility demonstrations. A question and answer session will follow the display of doggie dexterity, with one fortunate Fido and their human companion getting the chance to try out the course.
  • Applaud our clever buddies who bark as they show off their special skills in the Pet Talent Contest.
  • Dogs who don disguises will try to win prizes at the Pet Costume Contest.
  • Share a special childhood memory with your own fur baby as you play a Rover-fied rendition of the classic game Musical Chairs.
  • Potential pet parents can meet dogs, puppies, cats and kittens from area rescue groups at the mega-adoption event.
  • Plus prizes, giveaways, free nail trims, discounted vaccinations, microchipping and flea preventatives, pet-themed products and services form more than 120 local exhibitors, and much more!

Admission: There is an entrance fee for the New York Pet Expo. Check the official website for further details.

When: May 30, 2015 from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Where: Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum at 1255 Hempstead Turnpike in Long Island, New York

For more information:

Photo Credit: New York Pet Expo

Saturday 23 May 2015

Our Biggest PawZaar Sale to Date!

Memorial Day Sale

Memorial Day Sale

This Memorial Day weekend is definitely the unofficial start of summer! We’re marking the occasion with the biggest sale in our PawZaar store to date. Save 25% through Monday night by using coupon code SUMMER at checkout!

You can choose from anything in our store, including books, cookie cutters, jewelry, dog collars, bags and more. And don’t forget that 10% of our proceeds during the month of May will be donated to World Vets to help with their work in Nepal as they assist the animals of that country struggling to recover from the devastating earthquakes.

We hope you and your furry family enjoy a safe and happy holiday weekend. We are enjoying a quiet weekend at home; our 18-month-old kitten Lucky had surgery for bladder stones yesterday…so we have a VERY quiet weekend planned!


Friday 22 May 2015

Don’t Miss Kurgo’s Big Memorial Day Sale!



Do you have big plans for Memorial Day Weekend? Be sure to save some time during this unofficial start of summer to check out Kurgo’s Memorial Day Sale with savings of up to 50 percent on selected items!

Some of my favorite items on sale include:

  • Loft_duvet_green_01_11_14__77046.1415991126.480.480the Loft Duvet Cover, great for travel. We took ours on our beach getaway last month; stay tuned for a review tomorrow! During the sale, it’s priced at just $28!
  • Surf_N_Turf_Atomic_Drop__20893.1407980373.1280.1280 the Surf N Turf Dog Life Jacket, perfect for your summer adventures. This item is really discounted; regularly $70, it’s just $28 during the sale!
  •  Wander_Collar_1_28234__16889.1432302739.480.480 the Wander Collar is just $5 during the sale…half off the regular price! Irie has one of these and it has stood up so well to her rolling and swimming every day!

Along with these items, you’ll also find seat covers, door covers, booster seats, and much more. Check out the special Memorial Day Sale page for a full list of discounted products!

Kurgo is a DogTipper sponsor. As always, we only share products that we use with our own pets!

Paws in the City to Help NYC’s Animals in Need


The lyrics of a legendary 1970s hit state that “Music and passion were always the fashion” at the Copacabana, but on May 30th canines and couture will be in vogue at an iconic New York City nightclub that bears the same name as “the hottest spot north of Havana” as style-conscious Spots put on the dog for the sake of companion animals in need.

Adorable adoptables from the all-volunteer, no-kill organization Zani’s Furry Friends and kind-hearted dogs who are on a mission to make a better future for their homeless four-legged friends will look positively fetching as they rule the runway in the Paws in the City fashion show fundraiser. Attendees will applaud the trend-setting tail-waggers as they step out in styles from:

  • Baby Dog Fashions
  • Bella’s Prissy Puppie Boutique
  • Couture by Lucey Trembley
  • Diva Your Dog/Lily Langtree Collection
  • Doggie Diva Boutique
  • Halters by Nikky
  • Harlow & Grace
  • Hayley’s Hats
  • Kayliez Kloset Pet Boutique
  • Light Up Fashions
  • Off the Cuff Stuff for Pets
  • Princess Fur Fashions
  • Princess Lilly & Co.
  • Sophie’s Diva Closet
  • The Doggie Market

Some high-profile pals to those with paws are scheduled to escort the designer-loving dogs on the catwalk, including Lori-Ann Marchese from the Bravo series Game of Crowns, Chrissy Monroe from the VH1 series Love and Hip Hop NY, and two-time Emmy-nominated reporter Lisa Mateo.

A happening with a lot of heart, the show will raise funds for the medical needs of companion animals saved by New York City rescue groups.

Tickets: $35 for early bird general admission; $50 for early bird VIP tickets

When: May 30, 2015 (showtime 2 p.m.)

Where: Copacabana nightclub at 268 West 47th Street in New York City

For more information:

Photo Credit: Celebrity Catwalk

Thursday 21 May 2015

Fido’s Freebie Friday Heads to the Vet


Things have been a little quiet here on DogTipper this week; we have been spending much of our time at the vet’s office with our 18-month-old cat Lucky. What we began as, we thought, a fairly common UTI about 10 days ago has become a diagnosis of both bladder and kidney stones. Right now, surgery is scheduled for either Friday or Monday, depending on Lucky’s fever which has been coming and going. fff-300

But, in spite of a crazy schedule, Thursday means it’s time for the Fido’s Freebie Friday! You’ll find great giveaways below in our weekly Fido’s Freebie Friday hop, co-hosted with our Event Barkers partners, and If you have a blog hosting a pet-related giveaway, please be sure to link up. Good luck!

Disclaimer: Each giveaway has its own entry rules. DogTipper, All Things Dog Blog, and To Dog With Love assume no responsibility for the legality of the rules governing the listings on other sites and giveaways that are posted here. We simply provide this forum as a gathering place for pet product giveaways to be offered. Fulfillment of each giveaway is done by the blog conducting the giveaway, not by the hosts of this giveaway hop; please contact the giveaway host with any questions regarding a giveaway or giveaway prize.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Pet Businesses: Half Price Giveaway Sale!



If you follow us on Facebook and Twitter, you’ve seen that for the past week we’ve been busy getting veterinary help for our youngest cat, Lucky. Just 18 months old, Lucky became ill last week and has been in and out of vet clinics and emergency rooms and is currently at a specialty vet clinic. He has a fever but, when that’s stabilized, he’ll have surgery to remove bladder and kidney stones.

To help finance Lucky’s veterinary care, we’re running a special promotion on our giveaways. Normally priced at $200, we are offering giveaways during this special promotion for just $100 through May 31. You can purchase your giveaway package now, and we’ll run it any time of your choice in 2015 — now, this summer, the busy holiday season — it’s your choice!

What you’ll receive with this giveaway package:

  • a permanent post on DogTipper (or CatTipper, depending on your goals)
  • a two-week giveaway on our site, administered through a giveaway widget and promoted on giveaway sites
  • two photos (and an embeddable video, if you like) along with a description of your product and company
  • inclusion in our newsletter with exposure to 12,000+ subscribers
  • inclusion of your social media channels in the giveaway widget as entry methods to grow your following
  • Tweeting of a pre-written Tweet by giveaway entrants tagging your company, promoting your brand, and linking to your home page or product page
  • a Facebook post tagging your company with exposure to our 118,000 Facebook followers
  • Tweets tagging your company with exposure to our 76,000 Twitter followers

May we provide you with more information on our giveaways? Please email with “Giveaway” in the subject line to receive our giveaway form.

#InspiredbyCrafted Movement: From Human to Pet Foods



This post is sponsored by Hill’s. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Hill’s® Ideal Balance™ Crafted™, but DogTipper only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc. is not responsible for the content of this article.

“Aye, aye.” The local man greeted us along the Arbroath Harbour, on Scotland’s east coast.

But he was no seaman. This resident was giving us a traditional Arbroath welcome, one that harked back to the community’s seafaring roots and its continuing links to the North Sea.

And the response to this traditional greeting? “We’re goin’ on,” we replied in true Arbroath style.

While this salutation may have been a far cry from a Texas howdy to which we were accustomed, we were feeling right at home in Arbroath. That Saturday afternoon, we weren’t just strolling the boat-lined harbor; we were steps from our intended destination: the local barbecue joint.

For years, John and I have written about barbecue, not just in our home state of Texas but around the globe. On assignment for various magazines, we’ve covered barbecue styles in Malaysia, Jamaica, and points much closer to home. The barbecue of Scotland, a far cry from our own Texas barbecue, consisted primarily of fish.

Arbroath became the capital of ‘que thanks to a nearby village, Auchmithie. Whisky barrels, cut in half, were used as the first smokers, burning a slow fire beneath the barrel and trapping a smoke under layers of dense sacking. Haddock were hung two by two on rods in this early barbecue pit.

Eventually many of the fishing families relocated to nearby Arbroath and the barrels were replaced by brick and cement pits. The barbecue business boomed and today the city is filled with smokin’ pits used for family barbecues, one-man barbecue joints, and large operations that sell their product not only across Scotland but around the world via the internet.


Small Batch Cooking

Smallbatch-300x300But what these Scottish pitmasters have in common with pitmasters around the globe is the fact that they cook in small batches, with an attention to quality that is a source of great pride.

And, while you may not barbecue in your own home, you no doubt cook in small batches. Now Hill’s® Ideal Balance™ Crafted™ pet foods use that same philosophy, slowly cooking novel proteins such as trout, salmon, tuna, roasted beef and chicken.

The artisan crafted foods are combined with ancient grains such as quinoa, buckwheat and vegetables like sweet potatoes, barley and peas. Like other Ideal Balance foods, all are made in the US from only natural ingredients with NO corn, wheat or soy.


tiki-auslanderToday we love to see many of the cooking techniques we’ve enjoyed writing about around the world being applied to pet food. As we travel with our dogs, we enjoy dining at small, family-owned restaurants with our dogs, ones that–you guessed it–cook in small batches.

If you applied the same care and slow cooking techniques that Hill’s Ideal Balance Crafted uses for its pet foods to a meal for your (human) family, what would it look like? It might be similar to this slow-cooked recipe that’s a favorite in Arbroath, Scotland. It’s simple, easy, and contains no ingredients that you can’t pronounce–just loving preparation for a dish to be remembered:



  • 8 ounces smokies, skinless and boneless
  • 8 ounces creamed cheese
  • 1 tablespoon horseradish sauce
  • 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • cayenne pepper
  • salt and pepper


  1. In a food processor, mix all ingredients for one minute then season to taste. Serve with oatcakes, crackers, or toast.

For more on Hill’s Ideal Balance Crafted pet foods: